Thursday, June 23, 2011

Color Obsession

I have a love affair with the color yellow.  This isn't a new thing for me, but I am always seeing it in different combinations with other colors that constantly renew my love for yellow.  Right now my favorite yellow color combo is yellow and grey.  It's so fresh, clean and crisp.  Yummy!  So today I thought I would share some yellow and grey inspirations.

This one also incorporates birds which I just love, especially for weddings!

So summer is here, and will be gone before we know it.  So sad! Luckily that means that planning for 2012 Spring and Summer events is right around the corner.  I hope these pictures inspire you for your next party!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bridal and Baby Shower Ideas!

Last week I went to see the movie Bridesmaids with a fabulous group of girls.  It was hilarious!  A definite chick flick, like none other.  Now if you are lucky enough to have seen this movie already, then you will surely remember the unforgettable bridal shower scene.  This prompted me to write a bit on the subject.

Most girls have found themselves facing the task of planning a shower for a beloved friend or family member at some point in their lives.  Now this can be so much fun to do, but it can also be a daunting task for some.  With fall weddings not so far away, and pregnant bellies all around, I thought it would be a great time to talk about some fun shower ideas.

First and foremost, a shower for any occasion should reflect the guest of honor.  Think about what they may want, and don't be afraid to ask if they have any requests.  Almost more importantly than taking requests, ask them if there is anything they don't want.  If you're going to put the time and effort into it, ensure that it is something that they will love!

General Budget Tips:
  • Set a budget for yourself.  If you are getting help from others on the cost, make sure everyone is in agreement.  This will help you spend what you plan, and not have any surprises along the way.
  • Talk with your guest of honor about the guest list.  Make sure that the number of invites agree with your budget.
  • Break down your total budget into categories, and try to stay within that amount in each one.  This is very helpful for planning.  If you go over in one category, you know you will need to cut costs in another; and if you save some in a category, you may be able to splurge somewhere else!
  • When making purchases, be sure to check out the return policy in the event that you need to bring something back. 
  • When choosing a time, think about what types of food and drink would be appropriate.  Make sure that this fits within your budget.  This can be a large part of the total cost.  Don't pick a time when guests would expect a meal if your budget can't afford it.
So you've got your budget under control, now on to the fun stuff!

Shower Themes
  • Consider the bride's upcoming wedding.  Does she have a fun theme?  Maybe it's something that you can play off of for the shower.  For instance, if she is having a destination wedding, maybe have a beach or tropical themed shower
  • Gift themes: Center your shower theme around the gifts that guests will bring.  For instance:
    • Stock the Bar: guests bring items to stock the couple's bar (This is great for a couples shower too!)
    • Around the Clock: guests are assigned a time of day in their invitation, and they bring a gift that the bride would use during that time of day
    • Alphabet: Much like the Around the Clock, guests are assigned a letter of the alphabet in their invitation, and they bring a gift that starts with that letter
    • Wine Theme: Guests can bring wine and accessories; Consider bringing in a professional for a wine tasting at the shower
  • Other Themes:
    • Entertainment Themes: Fiesta, Luau, A certain decade, a movie, etc.
    • Color: Pick the guest of honor's favorite color, or possibly baby-to-be's nursery color and  use it for all decorations.  A monochromatic theme really has a nice look!
    • Seasons: pick the season that the shower is being held, or the season of the big day.  Decorate accordingly
    • Holidays: Pick a holiday that is near to the shower date, or possibly the guest of honor's favorite holiday
    • Tea Party: If you're going to get a bunch of girls together, why not make it super girly with fun tea sets and dainty bites of food, complete with petit fours?
The main thing to remember is get creative!  Just about anything goes these days, showers aren't what they used to be.

A couple other tips:
  • Have an activity for guests.  Whether it be a game or a learning actvity, some structure is needed.  Breaking up the time with an acitvity and some gift opening will help the flow of the party
  • Choose a location that fits the budget and the theme
  • Coose an end time for your party.  Typical showers last about 2 hours, 3 at the most
  • Ask for help!  There's a lot of different elements to a successful party, having some reliable helpers will make sure things goes well, and hopefully make it a little less stressful for you
  • Invitations should be sent out no less than a month before the party
  • It's all in the details.  Try to add little details that will make the party extra special for the guest of honor, and don't forget to include the moms if it's a bridal shower!
Martha Stewart has some awesome stuff.  Check out her website for more great ideas.

Below are some of my faves:

Garden Theme

Cooking Theme

Travel Shower

Happy planning!  And remember, if planning isn't your thing, or it gets to be too much, give us a call!
